Nanna how has it been 4 years with out you. I sit every day wishing you were still here. I missing going for a cuppa and natter at Costa putting the world to rights. I really wish you could have met Barry I know yous would have great laughs just like he did with granda. It was so nice to see Barry become grandas little pal, always asking for him when I turned up, always had the ginger snaps in and the kettle on. I hope I make you proud nanna and I hope you and granda are together up there sat in your chairs watching the TV with your tea and custard creams. Love you to the moon and back ❤️
Sarah Thomas
7th May 2024
Jane - Much loved - very much in my thoughts and prayers - always with us
7th May 2024
Nanna, another year gone without you in our lives. It still hurts everyday but I stay strong for you!
I hope I'm still doing you proud and know you'll be looking down on me on the 28th July 💕 I only wish you could be there to wear 'The Hat' 😆. I know you'd have loved Barry but we we will raise a glass for you and granda on our special day ❤️
Lots of love Sarah xxx
9th May 2023